Kemp’s ridley sea turtles are the smallest sea turtles, with adults typically reaching around 60 to 70 centimeters (24 to 28 inches) in shell length and weighing between 35 to 50 kilograms (77 to 110 pounds). Some individuals can grow a bit larger, but they remain much smaller compared to other sea turtle species.Their shell is heart-shaped and typically gray-green or olive in color, with a slightly more flattened appearance compared to other sea turtles. It has a smooth texture, and unlike some other turtles, the scutes (the individual plates on the shell) are not heavily ridged.Kemp’s ridley turtles have a relatively small head with a sharp, beak-like mouth, which is well adapted for their diet of crabs, mollusks, and other marine invertebrates. Their flippers are strong and adapted for both swimming and maneuvering in shallow waters.